Magic is the ability of the world to inspire.

I’m Aida. And I'm here to create magic. I'm a 22-year-old founder, physicist, student of the universe, and friend, who builds technology to help the human condition, talks philosophy, and cares about the human.

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About Me

My favorite questions start with "Why?". I ask to get down to the very fundamentals that I need to understand something. Studying Physics (and CS), I approach these questions from first principles, applying them in what I invent and how I think about the world. If I ever don't ask you questions when we talk, you are not talking with me.

My favorite builds start with people and their energies – unstoppable passion and perseverance to finalize an idea. If you are a creative person, I would love to hear your ideas, no matter which area of interest they are in. Interdisciplinary is a key concept I deeply believe in.

I often stop for a second to really feel this reality: the inextricable complexity that we have built in the last century, surrounding computers, understanding the smallest of bits we know of, and the largest of scales we can see. I am fascinated by the universe, society, and how technology plays into them and I'm looking to understand them to make a better future. In fact, I am dedicated to a future, seeing the future, and making bets on the future.

Check out my projects and philosophy:

🚀 Projects

💭 Philosophy

The best way to contact me is via email ( or X (@aidaxbaradari). Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in anything on this website!